What is the fundamental purpose of human life?
Man is created to know, love and serve God. Through this service he can save his soul. Everything on earth has been made for man to help him achieve eternal bliss in heaven.
What does that imply for education and upbringing?
If union with God is the main purpose of every human life, the main purpose of Catholic schools is to provide a thorough Cristian education where God is placed first, where his message is transmitted and welcomed, in fidelity to Sacred Scripture and Tradition.
Pope Pius XI said in his famous encyclical on education (Divini Illius Magistri):
“It is necessary that all the teaching and the whole organization of the school, and its teachers, syllabus and text-books in every branch, be regulated by the Christian spirit, under the direction and maternal supervision of the Church; so that Religion may be in very truth the foundation and crown of the youth’s entire training; and this in every grade of school, not only the elementary, but the intermediate and the higher institutions of learning as well.”
Is choosing a non-Catholic school a good option?
The atheistic or neutral school has been strongly criticized by many Popes, because they live as if God did not exist:
“Catholic children may not attend non-Catholic, neutral, or mixed-schools, that is, those which are open also to non-Catholics, and it pertains exclusively to the Ordinary of the place to decide, in accordance with instructions of the Holy See, under what circumstances and with what precautions against the danger of perversion, attendance at such schools may be tolerated“
(CIC 1917, § 1374)“From this it follows that the so-called “neutral” or “lay” school, from which religion is excluded, is contrary to the fundamental principles of education“.
(Pius XI, Divini Illius Magistri, 1929)“Either can Catholics admit that other type of mixed school, (least of all the so-called “école unique,” obligatory on all), in which the students are provided with separate religious instruction, but receive other lessons in common with non-Catholic pupils from non-Catholic teachers.“
(Pius XI, Divini Illius Magistri, 1929)
Even the Second Vatican Council confirmed the obligation to choose a Catholic school:
“The Council also reminds Catholic parents of the duty of entrusting their children to Catholic schools wherever and whenever it is possible and of supporting these schools to the best of their ability and of cooperating with them for the education of their children.“ (Declaration on Christian Education Gravissimum Educationis, 1965)
What does that imply?
All Christians, parents, clergy, unmarried lay people, young people, are called to contribute (in some way) to establish new Catholic schools, sustain their achievements and promote their growth. We need the generous contribution of all, so that they are attended by as large a number of students as possible and that they are of excellent quality.
Christian schools foster the knowledge and love of God in both teachers and students. All subsequent pedagogical objectives can never be set in opposition to the ultimate purpose of man as a creature of God.