a period of catholic spirituality and education
Throughout history thousands of Catholics, whether lay or clerics, have consecrated themselves to Christian education and instruction “gratis et amore Dei.”
If you have the necessary qualities, we would like to give you the opportunity to experience during some months or a year the teaching brothers and sisters’ way of life, characterized by the double purpose of “vacare et benedicere Domino” and “prodesse saluti animarum”.
Therefore we present CRUX ET CRETA. It is a counter-cultural choice: today’s world distracts us very easily from supernatural realities and gives little importance to the salvation of souls, especially in schools.
What does a CRUX & CRETA year consist of?
1) CRUX (= cross)
The sacrifice of Our Lord on the cross is the highest expression of God’s love. It requires a response from us: We are called to know Him as much as possible in order to love and imitate Him as best we can.
A C&C year will give you the opportunity to care for your prayer life by giving it regularity and nourishing it with daily participation in the traditional liturgy (with the 1962 liturgical books). In fact, anyone who does not seek union with God through prayer, mortification and also through the study of Catholic doctrine, will not be able to be a good apostle.
CRUX therefore means that the C&C volunteering should, if done seriously, be a period of reinforcement in the Christian life.
2) CRETA (= chalk)
Blackboard and chalk have always been symbols of education.
A C&C year gives you the opportunity to participate, according to your abilities and the evaluations of your superiors, in Holy Mother Church’s task of teaching and educating the future generations on their path to eternal life.
CRETA therefore means that your volunteer work in a traditional catholic school will allow you to learn more about the exciting and often difficult art of Christian education.
Where does the idea for CRUX & CRETA come from?
Our proposal is inspired by some core principles of the Venerini Sisters (Maestre Pie Venerini) and also of other teaching communities in the past. For centuries …
– they lived a community life sharing simple rules of Christian life;
– they educated children “gratis et amore Dei“;
– they privately followed the evangelical counsels without taking vows;
– they could leave the community whenever they wished.
It was an extremely beneficial way of following Jesus Christ without, however, embracing religious life. Teaching for free done for the love of God made it possible that from the 16th to the 20th century Catholic schools were accessible not only to the rich, but to everyone. It seems to us, therefore, convenient and necessary to help to rediscover these paths on which so many Christians have sanctified themselves, educating young people in a Christian way.
What are the requirements to participate in CRUX & CRETA?
- Willingness to participate in all community prayers during the day (prime, meditation, Holy Mass, rosary or vespers, compline);
- Ability and willingness to assist students:
- help with homework;
- organization or assistance during games and field trips;
- help and supervision during cleaning;
- possibly teaching lessons at school (depending on your ability);
- educational, didactic, artistic and manual activities;
- willingness to replace your smartphone by a flip phone (digital detox);
- balanced character
- regular attendance at Holy Mass and the sacraments for at least the past two years;
- age: not older than 35-40 years.
What would we like to offer you with CRUX & CRETA?
- An environment that is certainly imperfect, but nonetheless Christian, faithful to the traditions of the Church (i.e., a place for growing in virtues);
- structured days;
- daily access to the liturgy and sacraments (according to the Vetus Ordo Missae);
- discovery of saint teachers and educators (through readings or trips);
- 2 hours per day for personal study (e.g., doctrine, languages, music);
- Possibility of vocational discernment;
- Room, board, and laundry
- an expense reimbursement of 100-150 euros per month;
- monthly or bi-weekly conversation or walk with the principal or another priest.
Are you interested?
Contact us so that we can put you in touch with some good catholic schools in Europe (mainly in Italy).